Remuneration benchmarking tells you how much to pay your executive and non-executive directors (NEDs)
Remuneration benchmarking is the process of gathering market data and analysis to assess the quantum and mix of remuneration elements that constitute a market competitive total remuneration package for a role, based on organisation size, sector, role design and organisation design. GRG is among the most frequently used providers of non-executive director fee and top executive director salary benchmarking data and advice in Australia, offering deep analysis based on the largest remuneration benchmarking database of ASX market data. We assist both listed and unlisted companies (from start-up through to ASX 50) to make competitive, consistent and defensible pay and reward decisions.
When you use GRG for pay benchmarking, you will have access to a market leading KMP remuneration database which allows us to offer you customised remuneration benchmarking depending on your particular needs. If you only need data, you may pick a peer group of companies to obtain both statistics and transparent “line-by-line” source data. Alternatively, GRG’s KMP Remuneration Guides are available to purchase so that you can self-assess and determine if a bespoke remuneration review or benchmarking report is required. The Guides provide analysis of remuneration market practices across executive and non-executive director roles in industries observed on the ASX.
Use GRG to undertake executive salary benchmarking for all top executive roles
Use GRG as your trusted advisor for executive salary benchmarking and get tailored insights and clear recommendations for what constitutes a market competitive total remuneration package for all top executive roles.
Pay benchmarking solutions for both executive and non-executive director (NED) roles
GRG provides bespoke pay benchmarking solutions for executives as well as fee benchmarking for non-executive directors. Each approach is different and helps you assess the different remuneration mixes that need to be determined for each role type.

Benchmarking CEO & Executive Remuneration
What we provide
- Board-standard benchmarking report
- Customised balanced comparator group/s (sample/s)
- Role matching
- Line-by-line actual market data
- Quality data and analysis of:
- Fixed Pay
- Short Term Incentives
- Long Term Incentives
- Total Remuneration Packages
- Modelling of:
- Remuneration market to produce a custom fixed pay scale
- Role relationships & relativities
- Remuneration outcomes
- Implementation & support
Analysis & recommendations
Includes analysis and/or recommendations on various elements of executive remuneration including:
- Quantum
- Structures
- Elements mix
- Market positioning & strategy
- STVR deferral
- Salary sacrifice equity acquisition plans
- Governance framework

Benchmarking Chair & NED Remuneration
What we provide
- Board-standard benchmarking report
- Customised balanced comparator group/s (sample/s)
- Role matching
- Line-by-line actual market data
- Quality data and analysis of:
- Chair and member main board fees
- Committee fees
- Aggregate fees limits
- Market movements & forecasts
- Chair to NED multiples
- Modelling of:
- Recommendation outcomes
- Market positioning
- Implementation & support
Analysis & recommendations
Includes analysis and/or recommendations on various elements of non-executive remuneration including:
- Quantum
- Structures
- Aggregate fee limits
- NED equity plans
- Governance framework