Get valuable insights into KMP remuneration

GRG can help you navigate the complexities of KMP remuneration. Our complimentary Remuneration Insights share the thoughts of some of Australia’s leading KMP remuneration consultants using our extensive Australian KMP remuneration database.

Declining Remuneration Report Disclosures


23 January 2024

KMP remuneration disclosures in remuneration reports are required under the Corporations Act. However in recent years the number of executive roles reported has declined, in an apparent move away from transparent communication to minimalist compliance – perhaps to reduce exposure to criticism. We canvass the change in disclosure, its impact for boards seeking to benchmark remuneration, and explore the path to improved databases.

Master Exec Pay with Remuneration Surveys


8 January 2024

Designing a market-related, competitive senior management remuneration strategy requires a combination of know-how and access to the best tools. A reputable and comprehensive source of executive pay quantum and metrics for the Australian market will support this strategy by assisting you to attract (and retain) the right talent for your executive and general management population.

Single Incentive Plans Dud Executives


24 November 2023

SIPs may at first glance seem to offer less complexity and more certainty than commonly accepted STI and LTI plans, but they are actually more complex and lead to lower payments for executives who achieve target performance.

Premium Options Boost Pay


3 October 2023

High-potential, cash-limited ASX listed companies need to efficiently compete for talent at all employee levels without the ESOP start-up tax concessions available to unlisted companies. A tax-efficient, cost-effective alternative is granting Premium Exercise Priced Options (PEPOs).

New Employee Share Scheme Regulatory Framework Finalised


15 August 2023

In 2022, hastily drafted amendments to the Corporations Act tried to address long-standing problems with the regulation of Employee Share Schemes (ESS). The new Division 1A of Part 7.12 only partly succeeded. After lobbying by GRG and others, substantial changes were made. This insight provides a summary of the final framework and key outcomes, actions and issues.

Boards Must Receive Fee Recommendations


13 August 2023

Boards are always in a conflicted position with remuneration. NEDs are both the decision makers and the beneficiaries of those decisions, while they must consider good governance and their legal obligations. This Insight discusses why boards must receive fee recommendations from an independent remuneration consultant.

Tips for KMP Remuneration Benchmarking in 2023


11 July 2023

Two key components of annual KMP remuneration reviews are information on current market practices – so directors know the environment and can be confident they've acted reasonably – and recommendations from independent remuneration consultants (ERCs). This Insight discusses these and other issues critical to remuneration reviews.

NED Equity: Facilitating More Skin-in-the-Game for Directors


3 April 2023

This Insight discusses various recent views on NED equity holding policies such as the "2 in 2"; that equity interests must be purchased on joining the Board, possibly with an interest-free company loan; the consequences of misconfiguration of NED equity; and undermining NED independence through the use of options.

Retention Incentives and Sign-on Bonuses (Awards)


1 December 2022

When offered to executives, retention and sign-on awards can be viewed as controversial and even inappropriate. With the latest market data we explore the resultant stakeholder tensions and variations which may address their diverse priorities.